Why, What, Where, How!?

Why do you do what you do? What is your company brand? How are you different? Who is your target customer? How are you going to make money?

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Paint the Picture

When you plant the seed for your business, what kind of tree are you expecting to grow? Are you clear on what your business will look like, act like, feel like, and be like when it is done? Do you have your vision to keep in front of you day and night? Like a map, your vision will let you know when you are moving in the right direction or if you are moving down the wrong road.

If you expect your business to contribute to your life dream, and you’re not clear about what that dream is, how can you possibly get to where you want to go?

Your vision is the standard by which everything is measured. Productivity, profit, and growth aren’t metrics measured alone. Only when they are held up to your vision, do these metrics reflect whether a business is succeeding or failing.

If you are not clear on your vision, let Metamorphicx help you build a clear picture.

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Your brand is your business’ identity in the minds of your customers. It is what comes to your client’s mind when he or she encounters’ your business name, and it’s what he or she expects to get from your product or service. It is the intentional act of choosing who you are and what you want to stand for in the marketplace.

You must make your brand identity part of every aspect of your business. Your brand identity must be an integral part of your business’ function, and all parts of your business must behave in a way that is consistent with your brand.

Metamorphicx can help you get a clear direction on the messages you put out to the public. We will help clarify the “WHY” your customers should trust and choose you. So, let’s get together and see where your brand is now and what needs to change, so it reflects who you truly are.

It’s important to understand your clients. But this goes beyond merely knowing their personality and finding out what types of products they want.

You should be able to understand why they make purchases. You should understand the things that move them to take action, and how you can go about convincing them to work with your business. A marketing strategy tailored to a well-crafted client persona will help your organization become more successful at finding more of the right clients.

Let Metamorphicx help you create your client’s persona so that you can give them what they truly need.

What do your existing clients think of your services and products? Yes, they have purchased them but what do they think about the experience they are having with your products and with your company?

Through our client research services, we get out and talk to some of your existing clients. We want to know why your clients picked your company, what were some of the highlights in dealing with your company, where have you failed to meet your client’s expectations, what are your client’s pain points, and what keeps your client up at night.

As part of our Marketing Strategy services, we will help you understand and target your ideal client.

A Customer Journey Map is a great tool for improving your business from the ground up. A Customer Journey Map will give you clarity on what is working and what is not working, and what you can do to move your ideal clients from, “it’s OK” to “WOW!”

This tool will help inform you about the journey your customers take from prospect to active buyer to company evangelist. It will help you improve your internal systems and help you focus on what matters most–delivering on your promise to your customers.

Let Metamorphicx help you create an improved Your customer’s journey and help your bottom-line.

No matter how effective you are in promoting your business to customers, there are plenty of competitors who are also trying to reach out to them. Do you know your competitors? Have you analyzed your competitor’s strengths and weaknesses?

It is always wise to understand what your competition is doing. Understanding how they succeed and how they fail can help you tailor your operations and marketing strategies.

Let Metamorphicx help you get a competitive advantage with our Competitive Landscape Analysis. Our Competitive Landscape Analysis will examine the strength and weaknesses of your top five competitors and breakdown their web presence, primary keywords, content focus, and more.

Get better Understanding

Underground Work

In 60 days you will have more clarity and focus on the vision you have for your company, the why behind your company, what your brand commitment is, who your ideal clients are and the journey they travel to buy your products and services, and background information on your competitors.

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Underground Package

$3000/ onetime

Your Vision
Your Brand Commitment
Client Research
Client Personas
Customer Journey